Monday, April 6, 2009


Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the Interwebz.

My name is Tim Morgan and I’m a 40-something guy living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. I’ll talk more about myself as this series of postings goes on, but the important bits are:
  • I have a great and abiding love for the history Medieval, Classical and Iron Age Europe.
  • I am, by trade, inclination and passion, a gamer. I play and write pen-and-paper roleplaying games (like Dungeons and Dragons). I play board games and computer games. Someday, I may write a computer game.
  • I am very interested in how things work, the rules by which processes and institutions operate.

These three things have led me to this blog, where I am going to post about my strange and naive experiments into re-creating various aspects of pre-modern life. I will be:

  • Planting and raising my own grain
  • Hand Milling the grain
  • Baking Bread
  • Building a medieval-style quern
  • Building an oven
  • Cooking food the way the common folk would do it, making pottage and soaking grain
  • Brewing Mead and Ale
  • Reviews and discussions of books and other media about Medieval/Iron Age life
  • and anything else along those lines that interests me

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