Sunday, August 16, 2009

Planting Day - 19 Weeks in

How long did the Red Wheat say it needed to grow? Checking back to the Bountiful Harvests website, I see that it says 17-19 weeks.

Well here we are at 19 weeks:

We had a hard rain a few days ago and it bent/knocked over many of the wheat stalks. That probably has something to do with my shallow planting, since my winter wheat were not so affected.

As you can see in the picture, some of the wheat is tan and dry, looking ready to be harvested and some isn’t. How can you tell if it’s ready? Several websites I have read have mentioned a fingernail test: apply pressure to a kernel with your fingernail and if it doesn’t leave a dent in the seed then it is ready to harvest.

Applying that method, some of them are ready and some of them aren’t. Considering what has happened with my winter wheat, I will harvest the ready ones this week and leave the green ones to fully mature.

What happened to my winter wheat? I will explain all tomorrow.

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