Friday, April 10, 2009

New Field, New Corn

I need some seed to start this off. If anyone read any of my old posts, you’ll see that I took some wheat berries that I bought at the local food co-op and threw them into a planter and, big surprise, got sprouts growing in my backyard. I planted those in September of 2008. Here’s the state of the grain in the first week of April:

It’s winter wheat, so it’s on target to produce some tall stalks by summer.

But now it’s April, and I don’t want to wait until next year. I want some grain now! So I went back online. I found the Bountiful Gardens website (located very near the small town I grew up in) and ordered some Spring Wheat. They had an ancient strain of wheat that they said dated back to the Stone Age. I was really tempted but it also talked about how difficult it was to thresh and clean.

Here’s a picture of the Modern Hard Red Wheat.

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