Monday, April 13, 2009

Unexpected Finds

While I was ordering the Spring Wheat, I clicked the box that said “Send me a catalog.”

I just got finished going though it and . . . WOW.

They have an incredible selection of seeds and the catalog is packed with information about how, where, and how long they grow. There is so much information that they have to abbreviate it, so there are lots of codes to look up. They have a huge selection of books, one titled Ancient Agriculture, a translation of a 16th century Spanish instruction manual. Others that give directions on sustainable agriculture in limited space.

One offers the following trivia: “Currently it takes a minimum of 10,000 square feet to feed one person in the US and often 16,000 square feet in the Third World. This booklet gives a step-by-step approach . . . in as little as 2,100 square feet.”

Bountiful Gardens also gives lectures, runs classes and travels around the world (Mexico, Afganistan, Kenya) to teach and practice their impressive trade.

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